Toothless Smoke

Everyone knows smoking is detrimental to health. Studies have shown second-hand smoke affect our health as well. Second-hand smoke has been proven to affect the health of everyone as well, especially the young and the vulnerable.

There are designated areas for smoking in Singapore. However, many choose to ignore the law blatantly and smoke wilfully as they are make their way to MRT stations, bus-stops etc. 

Day in day out, you  see  people holding a cigarette everywhere, smoking while going about their daily chores, whilst walking to MRT stations, walking to the hawker centres. For years, the designated smoking area law is in fact un-enforceable. Smoking is not allowed inside the buildings. Yet, there are many who still smoke fugitively inside public toilets. 

In the Singapore Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act, (Chapter 310, Section 3(1)), the penalties for flouting the smoking law are not explicitly stated. Repeated offenders might even feel smug as they are able to escape detection and will feel the law is a farce as given the large number of places where smoking is prohibited, it is not possible for NEA to deploy officers to guard them at all times.

Owners and operators of private premises and public places, offices, factories, shopping centres, are not effective in stopping customers, visitors and staff from smoking in such prohibited areas.

The smoking law in Singapore ought to be tightened and enforced relentlessly. There should be more teeth given to NEA. To augment resources to monitor smoking activities, citizens should do their part. I proposed a website to be set up and allow the public to take photos of the smoking illegally and post them in NEA official website.

Most smokers are die-hard and have been smoking for decades. To expect them to be socially responsible and be considerate when smoking in public places are perhaps wistful delusion. Active citizenry involving the general public should be mandated to take photos of smokers lighting up in smoking prohibited places.

This way, the offenders could be identified easily, and the relevant authorities can act swiftly to apprehend the recalcitrant. In addition, laws should to be amended so the heftier penalties should be imposed on first and second time offenders. In fact, the 3rd time re-offender should be even given jail term to serve as a serious deterrent to the hard-cores.


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