Implement tray return automation to facilitate productivity

Automate the Tray Return Collection Point to facilitate fast efficient collection of crockery


10 Dec 2012

The recent pilot tray return initiative appears to have garnered paltry response with only 60 to 70 per cent of patrons returning their trays.

One of these reasons could be due to the fact that collection point or station for the trays and crockery was already full and cluttered with used trays and crockery. It was so disorderly!

On a recent trip to Europe, I have noticed an automated collection station where return crockery oand trays where diners returned them to an automated ‘conveyor belt’.

The ‘conveyor belt’ system works no different from a factory assembly line where the trays and crockery were smoothly transferred into the kitchen or washing area where a few workers systematically get to work to wash the utensils.

Perhaps such a system should be explored in Singapore as well.

A few weekends ago, I have observed in the pilot trail collection point at Block 726 Clementi West Street 2 where an old ‘uncle’ single-handedly ‘man-handled’ the trays and crockery at the collection point.

The collection point or station was, in fact, just rows and rows of shelves where the diners placed the returned trays. He would have to separate the crockery from plates, bowls, glasses, mugs, glasses and move them all to a washing point! It was all so manual!

Tray return rates were lowest between 3pm and 5pm because simply it is the period where there are least numbers of diners. What about the peak hours?

Imagine if it was peak dining hours during lunch or dinner time! There is simply no time to clear the trays or separate the crockery at the collection station when almost all diners return them after a meal!

In conclusion I feel that the NEA or some other governmental agencies should fully fund this automation project in order for the Tray Return initiative to work out successfully.

Though at offset this automation might incur some initial fixed costs, but it is definitely a worthwhile investment for time to come.

Overall it will work out to lower monthly maintenance fees for the hawkers.


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