Friendship or Kinship?

Friendship more important than kinship

In the olden days families cluster together and stay in one single household. For economic, security and traditional reasons, three or more generations used to stay under one roof.

Towards the end of 19th century in the developed cities, nuclear families are formed. Small familial clusters are formed everywhere, mostly in cities.

In 21st century, children move out from family and prefer to stay on their own or with friends. With greater earning power, those twenty something and thirty something can afford to buy or rent their properties. They need privacy and need space of their own.

Friends can be anyone in the social circle namely, colleagues, neighbours or anyone who can offer them new leeway or have been connections to specific jobs or business deals are deemed more important priorities over the latter.

If you are working miles away from your family in another country, of course neighbours and close colleagues are of paramount importance to you.

Outrageously, friends are placed ‘a notch higher’ than parents, siblings, relatives and next-of-kin. Such ‘economic friends’, cognitively, springs into mind a money-grabbing and opportunistic world. In societies such as this, money makes the world go round, though not always evident to the onlookers.


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